Sunday, May 17, 2009

Unlike common belief bingo is not a very old game

There are many variations of the original bingo game. Various online versions exist but the original bingo game is in a class of its own, and without a doubt, is irreplaceable. The word 'BINGO' originates from the words 'Bean' and 'Go'. This game was usually played with beans and stones and every time a player would complete a card, he would shout 'Bean Go' which then, later became 'Bingo'

Bingo is a table game in which players would purchase a bingo card with usually 75 random numbers. The player then pulls out numbered balls from a rotating bingo bin and if the player strikes a draw, he would mark the number in his bingo card until a certain pattern is completed. This is when the player would shout "BINGO'!

In the latest version of the game, the bingo card would contain five columns with a letter of the word "BINGO' printed on each column. Each column would contain only those numbers that are relative to its position, meaning that column '1' would contain numbers ranging between one to fifteen and column '2' would contain numbers ranging from sixteen to thirty and so on and so forth. The Bingo card would therefore have 25 numbers in all (five numbers each for every column) and the numbers would range from one to seventy five. The players would continue to draw these numbered balls from the bingo bin until one of the players can match five drawn numbers with the numbers on his or her bingo card either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Bingo shares similarities with poker and lottery but it would not be unfair to say that it has a certain profoundness of its own. Bingo usually used to be played in church settings to raise funds for donations but today it's played in huge casinos and now it has even earned its way into the online world.